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Overview of Education System in Singapore
Spring College International was established in 2001. It is registered under SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) and is awarded with 4-years Edutrust Certificate.
ReadmorePublic seminar on 28th May
This is the first time for SCI to collaborate with Esin Group to organize the public seminar. An education consultant was invited to share with the public about how a higher academic qualification could help to upgrade the work pass holding.
This seminar attracted many foreigners that were holding working passes in Singapore or the parents of international students that were studying here. Our Executive Principal, Ms Lina was one of the speakers. During the seminar, she introduced the advantages of studying in our school, especially for the diploma and advanced diploma courses.
During the break time, our consultants, Pansy and Donald had a deep discussion with our guests.We have received a really positive feedback for this seminar so we will continue holding other education seminars and meetings next time.